Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging
The new Selectiva 4.0 enables a more sustainable charging, prolongs batterielife of your Traktionbatteries. This is achieved by technological innovations like the RI-Chargingprocess or the Cold Logistice charging characteristics

Selectiva 4.0 Simply smarter

Intelligent battery charging in intralogistics

With the Selectiva 4.0 charger family, Fronius offers one of the most efficient and advanced solutions on the market for charging lead-acid batteries. Benefit from our innovative battery charging solutions which not only reduces costs, energy usage and CO2 savings, but also offers our customers sustainable benefits. Selectiva 4.0 is ready for your future challenges, like charge & connect too.

Convincing quality

Fronius products have an exceptionally long life expectancy and are produced by the highest quality standards. This not only impresses us, but also our customers for more than 75 years. Our intelligent and future-proof products are also offered with an impressive five year product guarantee*.

Flexible and adaptive

We are aware that your everyday business is often very demanding. That is why our Selectiva 4.0 chargers are modularly designed, lightweight and easy to move to the required location, making charging the most common lead acid, lead crystal and CSM batteries possible. Your advantage? A charger that adapts flexibly to your requirements and the different tensions and capacities of your batteries.

Charge & Connect

Connect your Selectiva 4.0 with our new connectivity solution Charge & Connect and benefit fromrevolutionary data transparency and additional optimisation possibilities.

Your benefits

Feel the difference

With the Selectiva 4.0, you benefit from an intelligent and flexible charging technology that is optimally tailored to your needs, depending on the application. We support you as an independent energy expert to supply tailor-made charging solutions. We are at your service from advice and analysis to planning and implementation. 

Mit einer Lebenserwartung unserer Produkte von bis zu 20 Jahren und einer Qualität, welche weit über die vorgeschriebenen Industrienormen hinausgeht, schaffen wir eine neue Verlässlichkeit, die seinesgleichen sucht.

20 years and more

With a life expectancy of up to 20 years and a quality that goes beyond industry standards, we set a new dimension of reliability.
Industrial Quality

Rejuvenation treatment for your batteries

The particularly efficient and gentle Fronius Ri-charging process adapts individually to the condition of the battery and thus ensures a cool charge and extended battery life.
Ri charging process

Reduce your costs sustainably

For more than 75 years we have been offering innovative charging systems, intelligent energy management and services to support you to reduce your energy consumption, save on energy costs and lower CO2 emissions. We stick to that. Ideally together with you.

What is new?


Power Charging

With the Power Charging option it is possible to increase a low lead battery level with help of rapid or opportunity charging within a short amount of time.
Mit der Power Charging Option ist es möglich, ein niedriges Bleibatterie-Level mit Hilfe von Schnell- bzw. Zwischenladung in kurzer Zeit zu erhöhen.

Cold logistics

The Cold Logistics option increases the performance of the cooled battery by increasing the temperature. The characteristic is adapted in such a way that the battery is fed with a higher amount of energy in order to warm it.
Die Cold Logistics Option steigert die Leistungsfähigkeit der ausgekühlten Batterie, in dem sie die Temperatur erhöht. Die Kennlinie wird so angepasst, dass der Batterie eine höhere Energiemenge zur Verfügung gestellt wird, um diese zu erwärmen.

PzQ / PsQ characteristic

Especially in heavy-duty applications, PzQ or PsQ batteries are often used. In order to charge them optimally, our battery chargers have a specially tuned characteristic curve. This can also be combined with the Power Charging option.
Especially in heavy-duty applications, PzQ or PsQ batteries are often used. In order to charge them optimally, our battery chargers have a specially tuned characteristic curve. This can also be combined with the Power Charging option.

CSM characteristic

The CSM characteristic enables this type of battery to be optimally charged and can be combined with the Power Charging option.
Die CSM Kennlinie ermöglicht es, diesen Batterietyp optimal zu laden und kann mit der Option Power Charging kombiniert werden.

Lead crystal characteristic

The Lead Crystal function contains a special characteristic for optimally charging these maintenance-free batteries.
Die Lead Crystal Kennlinie beinhaltet eine spezielle Kennlinie zur optimalen Ladung dieses Batterietyps.
Ottakringer Brewery uses Fronius Battery Chargers to reduce energy costs
Battery chargers for 12 V batteries
Battery chargers for 24 V batteries
Battery chargers for 48 V / 36 V batteries
Battery chargers for 80 V / 72 V batteries

Functions, options and charging characteristics

The Selectiva product family offers a large range of functions which help to extend the service life of your lead-acid batteries. The primary focus is to optimise the charging process for each individual battery according to its unique requirements – and to simultaneously reduce costs.

PZS characteristic

Due to the fact that it can be used universally, the PzS battery is the most widespread traction cell with more than 75% market share. The Ri-charging process has been specially developed and adapted for this technology.
Die PzS Batterie ist, dank ihrer universellen Einsatzfähigkeit die am häufigsten verbreitete Traktionszelle mit mehr als 75% Marktanteil. Speziell für diese Technologie wurde der Ri-Ladeprozess mit seiner Vielzahl an Vorteilen entwickelt.

PzQ / PsQ characteristic

Especially in heavy-duty applications, PzQ or PsQ batteries are often used. In order to charge them optimally, our battery chargers have a specially tuned characteristic curve. This can also be combined with the Power Charging option.
Especially in heavy-duty applications, PzQ or PsQ batteries are often used. In order to charge them optimally, our battery chargers have a specially tuned characteristic curve. This can also be combined with the Power Charging option.

CSM characteristic

The CSM characteristic enables this type of battery to be optimally charged and can be combined with the Power Charging option.
Die CSM Kennlinie ermöglicht es, diesen Batterietyp optimal zu laden und kann mit der Option Power Charging kombiniert werden.

Lead crystal characteristic

The Lead Crystal function contains a special characteristic for optimally charging these maintenance-free batteries.
Die Lead Crystal Kennlinie beinhaltet eine spezielle Kennlinie zur optimalen Ladung dieses Batterietyps.

Power Charging

With the Power Charging option it is possible to increase a low lead battery level with help of rapid or opportunity charging within a short amount of time.
Mit der Power Charging Option ist es möglich, ein niedriges Bleibatterie-Level mit Hilfe von Schnell- bzw. Zwischenladung in kurzer Zeit zu erhöhen.

Charge & Connect

The Selectiva 4.0 is equipped with an interface for the Charge & Connect solution. This offers new possibilities regarding transparency and control.
Das Selectiva 4.0 ermöglicht eine Anbindung zur Charge & Connect Lösung. Diese schafft neue Möglichkeiten hinsichtlich Transparenz und Steuerung.

Calendar function

This enables time-controlled charging,making it possible to exploit cheaper energy rates and accommodate individual shift patterns.
Mittels Kalenderfunktion können Ladungen zeitgesteuert werden. Dies ermöglicht die Nutzung von günstigeren Stromtarifen und bietet mehr Flexibilität.

Opportunity charging and rapid charging characteristic

You can set a special characteristic for opportunity charging and rapid charging at the push of a button.
Per Knopfdruck kann die Kennlinie für Zwischenladungen und Schnellladungen ausgewählt werden.

Deep charge characteristic

This special characteristic makes it possible for a deeply discharged batteryto be completely recharged.

No Monday morning syndrome

A programmable, time-controlled equalising charge ensures that a full charge is available over the weekend and after public holidays.
Mit einer programmierbaren, zeitlich gesteuerten Ausgleichsladung ist eine Vollladung übers Wochenende und nach Feiertagen sichergestellt.

Visualisation of the coolest battery

A blue LED indicator signals a fullycharged, cooled and usable battery.
Eine blaue LED-Anzeige signalisiert die voll geladene, abgekühlte und einsatzbereite Batterie.

Automatic battery voltage detection

The intelligent battery charger automatically detects the battery voltage as soon as it is connected.

Refresh characteristic

Using the Refresh characteristic raisesthe performance of a weak battery.

Current-peak avoidance

Low power consumption and adjustable charging start times decreases the required connection load and peak load.
Durch den geringen Stromverbrauch und den einstellbaren Ladestart verringert sich die benötigte Anschluss-leistung und Spitzenlast.

Cold logistics

The Cold Logistics option increases the performance of the cooled battery by increasing the temperature. The characteristic is adapted in such a way that the battery is fed with a higher amount of energy in order to warm it.
Die Cold Logistics Option steigert die Leistungsfähigkeit der ausgekühlten Batterie, in dem sie die Temperatur erhöht. Die Kennlinie wird so angepasst, dass der Batterie eine höhere Energiemenge zur Verfügung gestellt wird, um diese zu erwärmen.

Power Charging

With the Power Charging option it is possible to increase a low lead battery level with help of rapid or opportunity charging within a short amount of time.
Mit der Power Charging Option ist es möglich, ein niedriges Bleibatterie-Level mit Hilfe von Schnell- bzw. Zwischenladung in kurzer Zeit zu erhöhen.

Air-Puls (ECS)

The pneumatic electrolyte circulation system (ECS) guarantees a fast and extremely gentle charge for your traction batteries.
Die pneumatische Elektrolytumwälzung ermöglicht eine schnelle und besonders schonende Ladung Ihrer Antriebsbatterien.

Relay board, option box

Error messages and additional features such as the Aquamatic control function, external air pump and refill indicator can be displayed.
Fehlermeldungen und zusätzliche Features wie Aquamatik, externe Luftpumpe und Nachfüllanzeige werden so ausgegeben.

Temperature-controlled charging

This adapts the charging voltage, and therefore the output, according to the temperature of the battery, thereby providing sustainable protection and increasing the battery‘s service life.
Die Ladespannung und damit die Leistung wird an die Temperatur der Batterie angepasst. Das schont die Batterie nachhaltig und erhöht ihre Lebensdauer.

External start/stop

If the charging lead is disconnected during charging, the external start/stopfunction prevents sparking.
Wird bei laufendem Ladeprozess das Ladekabel getrennt, verhindert der externe Start/Stopp eine Funkenbildung.

Common error

The common error function can be used to communicate error messages to thirdparty systems quickly and easily.
Die Sammelerror-Funktion ermöglicht  eine einfache und schnelle Weiterleitung von Fehlermeldungen an Drittsysteme.

LED strip, charging status indication

Indicates from a distance which traction battery is being charged, is already fully charged, or is cooled down and ready for use.

Air filter

This provides effective protection against dirt for the interior of your battery charger and avoids short circuits.

Remote control system

Ideal for controlling and monitoring battery chargers even over larger distances. The user interface can be placed up to 30 m away from the device.

Charging plugs

DIN-compliant charging plugs from REMA or Schaltbau, as well as tab connectors, are part of our standard product portfolio. Special plugs are available upon request.

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